Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What You Must Know About Aloha Leadership

The Hawaiian language is much deeper than 13 letters and a series of words (all seemingly with a vowel-to-consonant ratio of 4:1!) As I've explored the meaning of Aloha Leadership, it's become apparent to this haole (Mainlander) that to understand Hawaiian culture one has to put aside some preconceptions.

1. One size fits all. Hawaiians come in many shapes and sizes, and the "culture" of the islands is actually a revered mix of many nationalities and traditions. Trying to fit people into pre-conceived notions of who we think they ought to be is fraught with danger.

2. Strong communities need a just one leader to work. Like the proverbial chain, our society is as strong as the weakest link. Regardless of our backgrounds, we depend on each other to live and thrive. If one person lets the water out of the fish pond and all the koi die, we all suffer.

3. History is only a subject in school. The people who come before us, whether in our family, our community or our business, have lessons to teach us if we're willing to listen. Listening is the second part of the critical equation however; we first have to ask questions to plumb the depth of that wisdom.

When you think you understand another person's culture, ask yourself this. "What do I assume about this person and their background?" Our assumptions are nearly always based on what we think we know, filtered through our own life experience. Like the word "aloha", the people surrounding you have much more to share than meets the eye.

See the Aloha Leadership keynote at

Hire Mike Faber for your next meeting, off-site or convention by calling 720.851.5208 (US/Intl)

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